Saturday, August 31, 2019

Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography Essay

Similar to Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography and Frederick Douglass in his Narrative, Pip in Great Expectations also demonstrates the archetypal boyhood to manhood narrative. Each story recounts a journey of growth and development, of maturation and self-discovery through experience. In addition, the protagonist of each novel has a purpose which directs his actions and decisions throughout the course of his journey. However, one significant difference exists between the two historical characters and the fictitious Pip-while Franklin and Douglass both strive for realistic and self-improving goals, Pip, like his imaginary character, entertains an idealistic dream. Pip desires to leave his former social class as a common boy and advance in life as a gentleman. This idealism quickly consumes Pip and becomes both the thematic center of the novel and the psychological mechanism that encourages much of Pip’s development. Ironically, many instances in the novel show that the symbols and figures of the wealthy class that Pip idolizes are in fact his greatest tormenters. From their unfavorable effects on Pip such as abuse, pain, and unhappiness, manifests the idea that social standing does not determine one’s happiness and well being, and most importantly, one’s self worth. Even before Pip becomes a member of the wealthy class, his mere exposure to it initiates a procession of pain brought about by physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. Miss Havisham, despite her eccentricity, represents the class, wealth, and advancement that direct Pip’s actions and emotions for a large portion of the novel. Upon hearing about Miss Havisham’s desire to see Pip, Mrs. Joe â€Å"pounced upon [Pip], like an eagle on a lamb, and my face was squeezed into wooden bowls in sinks, and my head was put under taps of water-butts, and I was thumped†¦ and rasped, until I really was quite beside myself† (52). Dickens’ clever use of violent rhetoric such as â€Å"pounced,† â€Å"squeezed,† and â€Å"rasped† and the metaphor, â€Å"like an eagle on a lamb† paints an unpleasant predator-to-victim scene in the reader’s mind. Mrs. Joe’s ecstatic reaction over the idea of Pip’s opportunity to befriend the wealthy class makes this scene the novel’s first hint of social advancement that will later consume Pip’s life. Consequently, Mrs. Joe becomes the first instrument of the upper class to inflict pain on Pip, carried out by the violent and painful bath. The physical abuse Pip endures here, so early in his childhood, also foreshadows the misery and pain he will later encounter among the upper classes. Moreover, closing the scene with â€Å"my ablutions were completed† (53) presents a resemblance between the simple bath and a ritual cleansing. The word ablution is most often associated with biblical allegories where priests were required to cleanse themselves before approaching the altar of God. Dickens’ word choice here seems to imply that Pip’s violent bath was necessary not only in cleansing him, but ridding him of the soil from his common life that might taint those in higher places. This bath scene serves as the novel’s first subtle but significant example that involvement with the upper class does not determine well being. The pain Pip endures from his first exposure to the upper class alerts the reader that an apparently positive development in his life (Miss Havisham’s invitation to her world) may have results to the contrary. Apart from physical abuse and torment, Pip’s first interactions with the wealthy class also cause him to suffer emotionally. The general magnificence and grandeur of Satis House exists not only as a symbol of the lives of the upper class, but as a symbol of Pip’s romantic perception of the upper class as well. In this aspect, it is also a source of misery for Pip and he realizes, â€Å"daylight never entered [Satis House]†¦ and under its influence I continued at heart to hate my trade and to be ashamed of home† (125). The ornate grandeur of Satis House has raised in Pip a new consciousness of his own low birth and common bearings. After his first visit, he even lies about his experience there, unwilling to sully his thoughts of it with the contrasting plainness of his every day world, for it must remain â€Å"far above the level of common doings† (72). Pip’s first visit to Satis House is a momentous event in his life. It raises in Pip an awareness of social contrast, robs him of his youthful innocence and sense of fulfillment and thus, further exemplifies the misery that is inherently linked with representations of the upper class. With the introduction of Miss Havisham and Satis House, the character Estella moves to the forefront of the novel as the ultimate symbol of Pip’s unattainable dream in Great Expectations, and the greatest cause of his sufferings. Ironically, Estella’s condescension and spite matches Pip’s feelings about himself in the world of Satis House. He accepts her condescension, â€Å"Why, he is a nothing but a common laboring-boy! † (60), without defending himself because he idealizes Estella and sorrowfully believes her to be right. This is particularly evident during times when the difference between their social classes manifest itself in the smallest things, â€Å"I had never thought of being ashamed of my hands before†¦ her contempt was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it† (60). Moreover, Estella consistently refers to Pip as â€Å"Mr. Pumblechook’s boy† (58), â€Å"silly boy† (266), or simply â€Å"boy†, using any word but his real name. This is a form of verbal abuse because it ultimately degrades Pip to a gender with no unique identity. Estella practices a deliberate cruelty on Pip that wins his deepest love and causes him to develop a passionate but unrequited devotion for her. This is one of the harshest examples of the pain and torment Pip must endure as he interacts with the upper class. Through these accounts, it becomes evident that social standing and wealth does not always determine well being. In fact, it may accomplish just the opposite-physical pain, emotional disturbance, and misery from the knowledge of one’s common bearings. Even when Pip becomes a gentleman and is received by society, there is a sharp decline in his confidence and happiness that accompanies this rise in social status. Pip’s unofficial entrance into the world of a wealthy gentleman can be marked as the event where he put on a real gentleman suit. Interestingly, Pip describes, â€Å"after this memorable event†¦ I felt rather like Mother Hubbard’s dog† (152). While a notable occasion such as this would have naturally allowed for happiness and celebration, Pip instead compares his elevated social standing to a common animal of a children’s poem. The demeaning effect of the suit, versus it’s intended dignifying effect, not only foreshadows the unsatisfactory life Pip will lead as a gentleman, but poses further doubt on the hopes and ideals Pip holds of the wealthy class.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Defining Terrorism

If people around the world were surveyed and asked to define terrorism, the answers would be seemingly endless. It has been said, â€Å"one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. † From culture to culture, people view terrorism in a different way. An inherent definition of terrorism would be the act of creating terror, but not everyone is terrified of the same thing. So how then is it possible to come up with one definition for the word? â€Å"A 2003 study by Jeffrey Record for the US Army quoted a source that counted 109 definitions of terrorism that covered a total of 22 different definitional elements. [1] In the book Understanding Terrorism, the author Anthony Marsella comes up with â€Å"four problems associated with efforts to define terrorism today: (a) there have been historical changes in the definition, (b) media and states have been inconsistent in their use of the term, (c) there are multiple definitions across agencies even within a sing le country such as the United States, and (d) there is international disagreement on the definition of the term. †[2] Some views of terrorism say that it must have political goals, while other do not believe this. Some views state that it must be innocents or civilians who are the victims, while other definitions do not believe this. Another argument is whether or not the terrorists must be non-state actors. Definitions are different based on whether they were created for legal purposes or international agencies. In this paper, I will go through some of the different arguments in order to provide a clearer sense of what terrorism truly means in this day in age. Most books written on terrorism begin by giving a definition of the word in the author’s opinion in order to put it into context for the remainder of the book. The entire first chapter of Bruce Hoffman’s book Inside Terrorism is dedicated to trying to define terrorism. Terrorism now seems to be a part of our everyday life. It appears as though every act of violence is perceived as being ‘terrorism. ’ Every time violence occurs people immediately think terrorism. The term terrorism is so hard to define and there is so much controversy about how to define it that it is easy to make the assumption that all violence is terrorism. At the same time, because of the controversy, many media sources are reluctant to use the word. Instead, they give attacks different titles. The Oxford Canadian Dictionary defines terrorism as the â€Å"systematic employment of violence and intimidation to coerce a government or community, especially into acceding to specific political demands. †[3] This definition might satisfy Hoffman because he believes it must be stressed that terrorism is the use or threat of violence to achieve a political aim. [4] Without a political aim, there cannot be terrorism. Nor can there be terrorism without the threat or use of violence. Hoffman believes it is difficult to define terrorism because of its ever-changing meaning throughout history. A factor that makes defining terrorism difficult is that the definition has changed over time. The original definition of the word is no longer the definition used today. The word originally gained support during the French Revolution as part of the â€Å"Reign of Terror. † The purpose was to scare people in order to prevent further revolutions from occurring. The terror was created by the state. Although the definition has changed since the â€Å"Reign of Terror,† there are two points that are similar in today’s definition. First, the regime de la terreur was neither random nor indiscriminate, as terrorism is often portrayed today, but was organized, deliberate, and systematic. †[5] Terrorists plan out their attacks, they are not random or spur of the moment. Targets in present day are often chosen based on what will receive the most media attention. â€Å"Second, its goal and its very justification was the creation of a â€Å"new and better society† in place of a fundamentally corrupt and undemocratic politically system. †[6] Simply put, terrorist attacks occur in order to achieve a political goal. Later, during the Industrial Revolution, Carlo Pisacane argued that the most effective way to publicize his cause was through violence, and that no other means would generate the same amount of attention. [7] This revolutionary-style terrorism remained up until the First World War. â€Å"By the 1930s the meaning of â€Å"terrorism† had changed again and was used to describe the practices of mass repression employed by totalitarian states and their dictatorial leaders against their own citizens. †[8] After the Second World War, the term returned to the original connation of a revolutionary type act. Up until the 1960s, terrorism was largely considered to be domestic. In the late 1960s and 1970s, terrorism began to become more international. It is important to discuss the three types of terrorism: international, domestic and â€Å"new terrorism. † Domestic terrorism is terrorism that takes place against people within your country. International terrorism is terrorism that takes place against people by a group that is not native to the country. New terrorism may have no political aims, but instead are more religious based and mainly concern themselves with destruction. The textbook The Globalization of World Politics states that there are â€Å"three factors that led to the birth of transnational terrorism: the expansion of air travel; the wider availability of televised news coverage; and the broad common political and ideological interests. †[9] These terrorist attacks initially took form in airplane hijackings, but as security tightened up, the terrorists instead chose American targets in foreign countries. Since the September 11th attacks on the United States, international terrorism is mainly what people think of when they think of terrorism. Those attacks were very publicized and had a huge impact on international relations. As well as understanding the different types of terrorism, it is also important to distinguish the difference between a terrorist, a guerrilla and a ‘freedom fighter. ’ â€Å"The freedom fighter conducts a campaign to liberate his people from dictatorial oppression, gross disarmament, or the grip of an occupying power. †[10] A guerrilla is fighting against a military and most importantly the terrorist goes after civilians. Any group can use terrorism to achieve their goals. In the book Terrorism: The New World Order, Fotion et al explain that there are narrow and broad views of terrorism. The narrower views insist that victims of terrorism must be innocent. A problem with the narrower view is that although it is most often innocents who are targeted by terrorists, they did not see a distinction. Whether they target a military organization or innocent civilians, they are performing terrorist acts. Their objective does not change based on who they are attacking from one day to the next. Their goal is to demoralize their opponent. It is very hard to differentiate the difference between a guerrilla and a terrorist. Although a guerrilla would be attacking military personnel, they could be labelled differently based on their intentions. They could be attacking merely to kill and weaken their opponents or they could be attacking in order to scare the opponents into possibly retreating. By defining terrorism as only attacking civilians, it makes analyzing terrorism a lot more difficult. Fotion et al discussed the paradigmatic scheme, which represents the most generally accepted view of a terrorist attack. [11] â€Å"An attacking group (or individual) victimizes some group of people by harming or killing them. The attackers then escape either before, during or after the victimizing event. Others, seeing what has happened to the victim group become terrorized (frightened, anxious, etc. ). We will call this the immediate effect or result of the process of creating victims. While in their state of terror, they pressure their government to change its political outlook in a way that satisfies the goals of the attackers and, most likely, displeases the government and many of its people. This pressure and resulting changes count as the secondary effect or result of the victimization process. [12] The book Terrorism: The New World Order points out that the word terrorism is seen as having negative connotation, so those who are often labelled as such, would try and find a definition that does not apply to them. [13] â€Å"Those labelled â€Å"terrorists† by their opponents rarely identify themselves as such, and typically use other terms or terms specific to their situation, such as separat ist, freedom fighter, liberator, revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel or any similar-meaning word in other languages and cultures. [14] In the past, people did not hide behind these labels and proclaimed themselves as terrorists and their tactics to be terrorism. [15] This inability for people to acknowledge they are terrorists makes coming up with a definition near impossible. Robert Keeley wrote an entire article about trying to define terrorism. In this article he pointed out that freedom fighters and terrorists are two different things, however freedom fighters often use terrorism. [16] Keeley believes aims of terrorism include â€Å"to advertise for the terrorists’ cause and to weaken morale on the attacked side and build up morale on the attacking side. [17] Because of the pejorative connotation of the word, during warfare, groups often label their opponents as ‘terrorists’ in order to gain more support for their own side. Thi s furthers the difficulty of defining terrorism, as everyone wants to say their opponent is a ‘terrorist,’ which makes everyone a terrorist. At the end of his article, Keeley did not seem to be any closer to finding a true definition than at the beginning. In the book Terrorism: Origins and Evolution, Lutz and Lutz say there are six main parts to defining terrorism. They believe that violence is directed to political ends and that there must in fact be violence or a serious threat of violence. Terrorism must affect a wide range of people, not just the victims of the action. People need to be aware when a terrorist act has happened; there must be an audience. If no one is aware of an occurrence, then the attack has failed. Terrorism is organized and it is performed by a non-state actor. It is important to note the difference between war and terrorism. In simplest words, a war is a conflict between two organized groups. The difference between a war and terrorism is that terrorism occurs by a non-state organization. In recent years, with the availability of the Internet, it has become much easier for terrorists to spread their ideas. It is now simpler to gain the audience that is required to be a successful terrorist. Finally, they believe that terrorism is a weapon of the weak. Terrorist acts occur when the terrorists have no other options in order to achieve their political goals. [18] Though there are many definitions for the word terrorism, it seems that all the definitions stressed that it is political in nature. The act is used to achieve a political aim through the means of violence. Terrorists do not require extensive supplies and the goal is to gain support and demoralize their opponent. As long as those who may be seen as terrorists find other names to describe themselves, unwilling to admit that they are a terrorist, I believe it will continue to be difficult to agree on a specific definition. With no one willing to admit to being a terrorist, the word becomes completely subjective. There will always be controversy over finding one definition, especially with the â€Å"new terrorism† in which religion plays a huge role. These terrorists want nothing, but to create terror and cause destruction. They do not fit in the accepted definition of violence with a political motive, yet what they are doing is creating terror and therefore should be considered terrorism. People will find ways to describe themselves as anything but, and their opponents will try to stress that they are in facts terrorists. â€Å"Terrorism is ultimately a form of psychological warfare, nd it is designed to induce fear. †[19] BIBLIOGRAPHY Baylis, John, and Steve Smith. Globalization of World Politics an Introduction to International Relations. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Bisset, Alex, ed. â€Å"Terrorism. † The Canadian Oxford Paperback Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Fotion, Nicholas, Joanne K. Lekea, and Boris Kashnikov. Terrorism The New World Dis order (Think Now). New York: Continuum International Group, 2008. Hoffman, Bruce. Inside Terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Jackson, Robert, and Georg Sorensen. Introduction to International Relations: Theories and Approaches. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Keeley, Robert V. â€Å"Trying to Define Terrorism. † Middle East Policy IX. 1 (March 2002): 33-39. Lutz, James Michael, and Brenda J. Lutz. Terrorism Origins and Evolution. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Moghaddam, Fathali M. , and Anthony J. Marsella, eds. Understanding terrorism psychosocial roots, consequences, and interventions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004. Terrorism Research Center, What is the Definition of Terrorism? (n. . ) Available from: Charles Townshend, Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). Whittaker, David J. Terrorists and terrorism in the contemporary world. London: Routledge, 2004. ———————– [1] Fathali Moghaddam et al. Understanding terrorism psychosocial roots, consequences, and interventions. (Washington: American Psyc hological Association, 2004), 14. [2] Fathali Moghaddam et al. Understanding terrorism, 15. [3] Alex Bisset, ed. â€Å"Terrorism. † The Canadian Oxford Paperback Dictionary. (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000), 1085. 4] Bruce Hoffman. Inside Terrorism. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006), 3. [5] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism, 4. [6] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism, 4. [7] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism, 5. [8] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism, 14. [9] John Baylis et al. Globalization of World Politics an Introduction to International Relations. 3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 482. [10] David J Whittaker. Terrorists and terrorism in the contemporary world. (London: Routledge, 2004), 4. [11] Nicholas Fotion et al. Terrorism The New World Disorder (Think Now). New York: Continuum International Group, 2008), 4. [12] Fotion et al. Terrorism The New World Disorder, 4. [13] Fotion et al. Terrorism The New World Disorder, 1. [14] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism, 20. [15] Hoffman. Inside Terrorism , 21. [16] Robert V Keeley. â€Å"Trying to Define Terrorism. † Middle East Policy IX. 1 (March 2002): 34. [17] Keeley. â€Å"Trying to Define Terrorism,† 36. [18] James M. Lutz et al. Lutz, James Michael, and Brenda J. Lutz. Terrorism Origins and Evolution. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 9. [19] Lutz et al. Terrorism Origins and Evolution, 8.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Recycling as a Way to Cleaner and Healthier Environment Essay

Recycling as a Way to Cleaner and Healthier Environment - Essay Example If each of them sorts the litter and support recycling programs, they will save more forests in the whole world. Forests are important for natural ecosystems, clean air, and environmental sustainability. Every recycles sheet of paper will greatly contribute to the world’s ecology. The not only paper need to be recycled, but plastic as well. 28 billion bottles are thrown away every year; all of them pollute the environment because their process of decomposition is very slow (EPA, 2013). Â  25,000,000,000 Styrofoam cups are thrown away as well and the term of their decomposition is the same length (EPA, 2013). People only need to separate these things from other garbage to make their recycling possible. It is not a great effort which can pay back twice by the cleaner environment. Recycling is a successful way to a cleaner and healthier environment. Recycled paper and plastic can reduce the amount of garbage and prevent extensive landfilling. All people need to be aware of the issue and support recycling by separating their garbage into different groups.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Write a paper on the movie Princess Mononoke Essay

Write a paper on the movie Princess Mononoke - Essay Example This paper will discuss the development of the movie touching on various major themes developed. It will discuss the issue of incapability of harmony, selfishness by human beings as well as humans being triggered to bring about a difference. The director of the movie, Hayao Miyazaki demonstrates the constant conflict between human beings and other non-human creatures. He suggests that human beings are selfish and do not care for the benefit or plight of the other creature or nature. He maintains visual accords between the horrifying violence and the awesome beauty. The movie director also adds an aspect of expectancy to the episode through the view point of Ashitaka as the story ends in a catastrophic hunt for the forest spirit. His demonic illness forces him to cause fatal disasters upon his opponents who struggle to renovate and maintain peace (Fortier, 3). The background of the movie occurred historically in Japan in the Muromachi era (1392-1573). This happened when the weapons first begun to appear in the country. A powerful ogre gains entry in the peaceful village of Ashitaka, who was a young warrior. The ogre plows with surpassing abhorrence towards the village, intending to annihilate it and execute every human it can find. The hatred grew stronger in the monster that the very grass it ran across wilted away to a brown mush. However, Ashitaka finally defeats the demon and speaks to the gathered creatures with its dying breath. The ogre informs the villagers that he was a great boar protector-god with the aim of destroying humans who had already caused destruction in his forest. The boar curses Ashitaka in the form of an overwhelming disease in his arm. As its already-dead body falls down, it utters a scathing curse on humanity (Potter, 1). The movie starts in a certain village located at the edge of a large forest. Prince Ashitaka, a young warrior, discovers a fierce beast in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bussiness concepts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bussiness concepts - Assignment Example The efforts that a company puts into corporate social responsibility supersede the expectations of the various groups that protect the environment and different regulators. Another name for Corporate Social responsibility is Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Social Responsibility may involve the organization incurring short-term costs without immediate benefits to the company in terms of finance (Hunnicutt, 2009). A company that involves itself in Corporate Social Responsibility stands to benefit in several ways as discussed below. Corporate Social responsibility enables an organization to market itself and the products and services to the society. By getting into contact with the consumers and potential consumers of the organization’s products or services, the organization has the opportunity to explain in detail the products and services it offers. Further, the organization’s staff may answer any questions that the consumers and potential consumers may have. This helps the organization to ensure that it retains its customers aside from ensuring customer loyalty. The company is also able to sell an image of a company that considers the concerns of the society and takes the initiative of undertaking corrective or mitigating measures (Chen, 2011). Corporate Social Responsibility gives an organization an opportunity to improve the knowledge of the employees on the products and services that the company offers. The organization takes advantage of Corporate Social Responsibilities to train their employees on the company products, services and policies so that as they interact with the members of the public they can represent the organization well. Engagement of the employees also boosts their morale, since they feel like they are involved in the building of the organization by being ambassadors. Employees also engage in activities that they may consider noble, therefore increasing their pride in working for the organization

Monday, August 26, 2019

Fiscal Policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fiscal Policy - Assignment Example This system allows for control of discount rates in the various district banks thereby protecting consumers. In addition, the system can be able to control money supply through easing the monetary policy through sale of financial assets to increase money supply. It can also tighten monetary policy through selling financial assets hence reducing money supply. Control via the Federal Reserve System is hence greater in terms of money supply to the economy. The Federal Reserve System monetary policy often influences the levels of spending, prices and employments through a number of means. The Reserve System main goal entails regulating money supply in the economy in order to keep unemployment and inflation low plus to promote steady economic growth. In case of inflation, purchasing power of people reduces and leads to more unemployment in a given economy. The Federal Reserve System in such instances often increases discount rates accorded to banks in an attempt to reduce the money supply in a given economy. It can also reduce money supply through buying of government bonds. In an attempt to increase spending and employment in a given economy, the Federal Reserve System often lowers the interest rates it gives to various banks. This hence results in people remaining with more money hence increasing spending. When more people spend money in buying goods and services, indicates that producers will concentrate in producing goods and services thereby creating more employment

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ethical Challenges and Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Challenges and Choices - Essay Example 5) defined ethics as â€Å"the systematic inquiry into man’s moral behavior with the purpose of discovering the rules that ought to govern human action and the goods that are worth seeking in human life†. These ethical standards governing the existence of human life also encompass the realm of business entities with pertinent issues affecting the Board of Directors and senior leaders of diverse organizations. It is in this regard that this essay is written with the objective of identifying ethical challenges faced by members of the Board of Directors and senior leaders in organizations through a review of two (2) contemporary articles on the subject. A description of how the issues were handled and an analysis in terms of effectiveness in handling the situation given the scenario at hand would be proffered. A feature article published in the Associations Now – Volunteer Leadership Issue entitled Ethical Tips for Volunteer Leaders written by Frank Navran discussed challenging ethical issues on governance by board members in volunteer organizations. It clarified theoretical frameworks encompassing culture, in general, focusing on ethical culture, in detail. Navran averred that â€Å"Boards of even the smallest association are being held to standards of accountability for ethical culture that originated in publicly traded companies; their members and the public appear to expect that.† (2006, par. 16) The author presented relevant elements and measures of how board members contribute to an ethical culture through a standardized ethical system properly set in the organization, an ethics oversight, and an independent assessment of ethical issues. The article stipulated that â€Å"the U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) have detailed and incentivized the establishment of effective systems to prevent and detect legal violations. These standards have become a template for organizational ethics systems for organizations of every size and sector. At a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alumni Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alumni Role - Essay Example I have worked assisting in various programs at the facility through promoting education in the following: the quit-smoking program, cancer support project, CPR and First Aid program, and the Basic Health Education to new immigrants. In all the projects, my bilingual abilities (knowledge of Cantonese and Mandarin, as well as English) proved fundamental in exhibiting and managing effective communication. My responsibilities as an intern include the following: (1) assisting the health department staff to double check the database from the projects; (2) using bilingual (Cantonese and Mandarin) to translate the information about the First aid and CPR class to the new immigrants who signified interests or were required to take these classes; and finally, (3) updating the information of the clients’ in the patients’ chart. All of these activities enabled the development of skills in recording, documentation, communication, and adherence to details in disclosing crucial information regarding the patients’ history and

APPLICATION PAPER Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

APPLICATION - Term Paper Example As a tradition, the two leading political parties; the Democratic and the Republican Parties select the best candidate to represent their party (4- Impression Management, Haun 50). In the primaries of each of the political parties, potential candidates file for nomination and they canvass for votes by telling leaders of the party why they are capable of winning power in the national elections (5- Compliance Gaining Strategies, Haun 64). In order to ensure the best results in the general presidential elections, the parties select the best candidate to represent them (6- Uncertainty Reduction, Haun 23). In doing this, a lot of checks are done on each candidate to verify and validate his or her claims of eligibility for the Presidency as well as acceptability to the voters (7- Fidelity Checks, Haun 69). After successfully convincing the leaders of the respective parties (8- Evidence Test, Haun 69), they are chosen as the Presidential aspirants to represent the two major political parties in America. The Presidential candidates are presented to the American electorates by the parties. The candidates are required to present a positive image about themselves and their parties (9- Impression Management Theory, Haun 50). In order to examine the promises made by each of the candidates, most presidential elections are marked by various presidential debates. In these debates, the presidential candidates tell the American people what they would do if they are voted into power. This provides a platform for informing electorates about the kind of leader who will fill the White House over the next four years. Presidential debates provide a strong insight into the policies that either parties have for the people and influences the way people think about the candidates (10- Perception, Haun 68). This year, the two contenders for the US Presidency, President Barack Obama and Senator Mitt Romney

Friday, August 23, 2019

Female Entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurs Coursework

Female Entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurs - Coursework Example It a psychologically belief that their efforts are considered to be untrained and unskilled in comparison to their counterparts. Various researches on entrepreneurship relate to male distinctiveness and focused mainly onto male-dominant area. Few studies considered the female individuality of entrepreneurship with their related actions. Women always had to put some extra effort in order to succeed in putting up a business and then maintaining it in a male dominated working environment. Therefore, women had to gain extra assets through other connections and networking. Mainly women who belong to subordinate classes need major support from their families and friends and the tie ups they make in between through negotiations, in order to set up and maintain a business. Whereas, women from high class families or from middle class families, could independently initiate their business through contacts with their colleagues or with the members of the chamber and association. Moreover, there can be a personal ambition or drive to set up a business of its own or else some other external reasons like the fight to survive, where women believe on their social contacts and networks and utilize it completely to shape up their business entity. II. Female entrepreneurship in comparison with male entrepreneurship: Various studies have reflected that female and male entrepreneurs vary in respect of: their production outcomes; the motivations they get to start up a business; the effort they put up for the progress of their business entity; the extent of their business start-ups; the sort of business they want to start; the performance potential they expect to have for their set up; their preference for any project risk; the technique they apply to identify various business opportunities; the assurance they have in their efforts for start-up; and the consequences that they need to face (Brush, 1992; Carter et al., 1997; Srinivasan, et al., 1993; Boden, 2000; Office of Advocacy, 200 6; Robb and Wolken 2002 ). II. 1. Performance of firms Studies have highlighted that the presentation of new projects led by females lag behind to that led by males. For ventures led by females, factors like sales growth, employment growth, compensation and venture endurance are all considered to be low. (Boden, 2000; Office of Advocacy, 2006; Robb and Wolken 2002; Srinivasan, et al., 1993). The firms owned by women have inferior sales margin and hence could occupy lesser people in their business than that of men-owned enterprises (Fischer et al., 1993). For example, in 2002 the firms owned by females generated about 87585 dollar sales and had employed about 7.79 people in comparison to 12.04 employees and 1862159 dollar sales for those led by men (Office of Advocacy, 2006). Women-owned firms also gained less income than that by men. They generate an average of only 78% of the profit in a similar business led by men. (Robb and Wolken, 2002). Furthermore, 46% of freelanced women earn less than 15000 dollar in 1998, whereas only 21% of freelanced men earned this amount. On the contrary, 16% of freelanced men earned higher than 95,000 dollar, in comparison to 4% of women (Office of Advocacy, 2001). New projects led by women have little chance to survive eventually than the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay Example for Free

Gender Inequality Essay The issue of gender inequality or discrimination has existed in the financial industry of the United States. This paper aims to present the existence of such practice in the financial world of some of the famous yet lawsuit-stricken Wall Street firms. In particular, a book written by Roth, which has studied and presented the many incidents of gender prejudices, will be critically analyzed. To make the public realize the need for such harmful organizational practice to be stopped is the ultimate goal of this paper. A Critical Analysis of â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street† Many literary writings have presented gender inequalities in work settings. Each work has revealed to the public the many damaging implications of gender discrimination. These kinds of prejudices have been manifested in several forms, notable of which are the famous sexual harassment and unfair labor practice cases. Almost always in such lawsuits, the women employees of big business organizations always fall prey or are subjected to various gender-related unfair practices. Several factors are taken into consideration when gender biases occur in work places. While it is worthy to note that modern working women have slowly achieved a sense of work fairness based from their significant contributions in their respective industries, the ghost of the past sill haunts the society. These are evident with the unsettled labor cases having women as the aggrieved parties. These are but some of the main issues presented in many books. Despite the efforts, however, to clearly present the realities within an organization setting, the fact remains that there are still no appropriate responses which may address the issues concerning women employees. One of the many books which concretely depicted the said condition is the 2006 book of Louise Marie Roth entitled â€Å"Selling Women Short: Gender and Money on Wall Street. † In fact, a literary work such as the Roth book is a clear proof that gender inequalities, which beset powerful Wall Street companies almost two decades ago, have destructively affected contemporary work environments. This is because of the idea that only a few of high-profile gender discrimination cases are resolved in favor of the women victims while majority of these lawsuits are decided favoring the managements where the supposed injustices emanate or where the suspected male offenders acquired their influences. These celebrated criminal cases and the eventual out of court settlements have clearly indicated the previous existence of discrimination and continued practice of gender inequality in the professional environment. Despite the efforts of the Roth book to enlighten and rectify the perspective that women in Wall Street nonetheless have their fair share of success, the reality that women in work places are likely to be shortchanged or are â€Å"sold short† of their respective powers and potentials will never cease to exist. This situation will continue unless concrete actions and sincere efforts are made in order to alleviate, if not stop, gender discrimination in work places. â€Å"Selling Women Short,† an Overview As an educator, Roth presented the book in a manner of self-realization. The author learned how Wall Street companies, such as Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, all of Citigroup, have provided and continued hostile work settings for their women employees despite the existence of many legal limitations. Based from a methodology using research questions and aimed at achieving an investigative design, â€Å"Selling Women Short† matched the male and female employees of Wall Street firms during the period of 1990s and at time when the market and chances were rich. In an era where the work setting was supposedly advantageous to women workers, Roth discovered the many forms of gender discriminations which hampered the female workforce to progress. In short, using thorough study procedures, the authors as presented by her book examined sex inequality on Wall Street and realized that deceitful prejudice is the outcome of people’s ignorant inclinations and injustices which manipulate how they regard other employees and their respective performances (Roth, 2006). The book specifically identified the Wall Street’s practice of performance appraisal system as the apparent cause of gender discrimination (Roth, 2006, pp. 36-37). The book further presented the various manners in which women employees of the said Wall Street firms have attained their respective success. In particular, the triumphs of women working in the security businesses involved searching for an influential male adviser but in the process, ultimately prevent them from joining team efforts where their inputs matter most. The book concluded by manifesting that work and family concerns do not go hand in hand. This is because of the reality that family-related issues could be the most difficult hindrances to gender fairness on Wall Street due to the fact that women workers desire and ultimately have their respective families. Appealing Components The book is most notable for its comprehensive and clear focus on gender-related emphasis, particularly the degrading reality of discrimination against women which was introduced by the Wall Street work settings and which has continued to harm the modern work place. Stunned by an outbreak of celebrated gender or sex inequality cases more than two decades ago, it was expected from Wall Street to sanitize its industries and the activities of its workforce. Interestingly for â€Å"Selling Women Short,† it has thoroughly and powerfully reflected on how Wall Street’s financial companies have cleared continuing discriminatory lawsuits. Roth is to be acclaimed for this fearless ability to research on the particular cases of gender inequalities and eventually share to the readers the results of her study as well as the appalling yet actual situations of discrimination involving women employees of the firms located at the financial capital of the United States. It is also interesting to discover from the book that Wall Street, which is regarded to be a fortress of untainted or wholesome economics as well as supposedly compensating employees according to their accomplishments and assessing their jobs impartially, is in reality nothing but deceptions. It was both an enlightening and enjoyable discovery that Wall Street was amiss with its supposed intention to equally pay employees, regardless of gender but who have the same qualities and achievements. The comparison made by Roth about the work experiences of the people who started their jobs at various Wall Street firms in the later period of the 1990s was truly appealing. This is because the author was able to unearth that aside from the reality that women employees are paid at a standard of 29 percent less than their male colleagues, they are likewise pushed to less rewarding career options as well as were deprived of promotion and worthwhile customers (Roth, 2006). Aside from the mentioned interesting points, the book has remarkably exposed the devious gender inequality in the Wall Street structure. Roth is again to be praised for her explicit revelation of gender discrimination when she wrote on the unwitting prejudices of the members of the management, colleagues of the women employees and the manipulation of the customers on the performance assessments, task allocation, and eventually compensation (Roth, 2006, p. 62). Simply put, the book, through the words of Roth, has effectively presented how employees behind Wall Street companies have portrayed realistically damaging components such as their penchant to relate with those of similar sex and how they have a say to the system of gender discrimination. Ultimately, the author is to be credited with her proposals to limit the practice of all gender-related inequalities. Though the suggestions seem to fall short of being real, such attempt by Roth implied her earnest intention for the public to realize the harms of discrimination. Conclusion Despite the above mentioned interesting attributes of â€Å"Selling Women Short,† the book itself is unfortunately similarly short of its suggestions on how gender inequality could have been addressed, if not stopped, even from its start of existence. While Roth’s writing job was generally appealing and informative primarily because of her efforts to deal with the issue of gender discrimination, it may be in a way perceived that the public was shortchanged of more concrete solutions. Nonetheless, what Roth has ultimately achieved was for the book to eventually sink into the organizational set-up of Wall Street firms where it is aimed at influencing the people who build the practice of gender discrimination to finally put an end to such prejudice. Reference Roth, L. M (2006). Selling Women Short: Gender Inequality on Wall Street. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

FTA of Main Landing Gear Systems

FTA of Main Landing Gear Systems FTA OF MAIN LANDING GEAR SYSTEMS Main Landing Gear System For any aircraft landing gear is the undercarriage which support the craft when it’s not flying, until it to take off and during landing. Landing gear hold net weight of whole aircraft during taxing without any damage. Fig: A380 main landing gear configuration Components of landing gear The materials used to construct gear components are of great importance and are selected as per their properties The main components of landing gear are: Down-lock and drag brace Retraction actuators, Rotational actuators Trunnion Forward trunnion braces Metering pin extension Rotational Lockpins Aft braces Oleo cylinder Oleo piston Axle beam fold and compensation actuator Brake assembly Tires and wheels Sensing wheel Axle beam assembly Failure of lading gear In this part we discussed about the Ductile and Brittle Failure, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Stress Rapture, Fatigue Cracking Failure Dynamic Failure, Landing gear Spring Failure and Wheel Failure. We analyzed these possible problem and construct suitable fault tree analysis in order to identify failure condition in brief. The objective of constructing the fault tree is to investigate and analyze the possible failures and different components and systems of the landing gear with their consequences and solutions. In the case of mechanical failures: There are 12 types of failures Excessive, deflection , thermal shock, impact creep, relaxation, brittle fracture, ductile fracture, wear, spring, failure, corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and various type of fatigue. On the basis of this problem that can occurs in main landing gear we construct the fault tree to identify the failure condition and met the requirements. Materials for landing gear The materials used for the landing gear are High strength steel Titanium Aluminum Failure mechanism of landing gear Fatigue cracking failure Mostly aircrafts and military experience serious damage and the fatigue. Stress corrosion cracking This SCC is caused by synergy between a corrosive environment and a mechanical tensile stree Dynamic failure When aircraft land on the ground tricycle landing gear and load affected by the ground/pavement response are distributed on the and can cause problem. Landing gear spring failure Here micro cracks acted as stress concentration as well initiation crack site leading the spring to fracture due to fatigue Wheel failure During landing wheel experienced a lot of pressure. Due to this over pressure that could damage 4.2 The fault tree of typical main landing gear system: The main purpose of constructing fault tree is, in order to identify the possible failure of any system which can occurs in any manner. In case of main landing gear, fault tree can be construct on the basis of two main conditions: Fault tree analysis for failure condition 511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication. Fault tree analysis for failure condition 511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock. Between these two failure conditions of main landing gear, I choose to analyzed fault tree analysis for failure comdititon511: one or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication. The analysis based on fault tree My main object of constructing this fault tree is to identify the typical failure condition of main landing gear in order to save aircraft from it’s hazardous failure As we need to take safety procedure for every parts of aircraft, landing gear is also aspect which cause aircraft in a dangerous mode So in order to overcome this failure of landing gear and for the safety of aircraft, I finally decide and came to know the purpose of failing landing gear and what can be the cause for this. With the help of fault tree analysis, we analyzed the each and every problem inside the landing gear and try to overcome by constructing fault tree In case of LH or RH or both MLG fail to extend and down lock with false down and locked indication, pilot receive alert. So while construction fault tree we take as a main event by using event symbol as shown in fault tree. After we decided main event than we analyzed for the cause of it by using the Boolean symbol called AND gate. We use AND gate so that we could analyze all next true lower level condition which can possibly occur. Possible cause of man landing gear are false LG down position indication and LH or RH MLG fail to extend and down lock. Still there are some cause to fail these two components, which we will define by Boolean logic symbol call OR gate. The purpose of OR gate is to identify among of various possible problem if any of one or more of the next lower level event are true for failure of above condition. In fault tree analysis we solved the problem and come to the conclusion with what if, and with the help of various Boolean logic symbols. The main event that I mention in the top is not only the problem that cause landing gear to fail but also the lower level parameters which fails landing gear fails. When we look from external and if landing gear is not extend during landing than we conclude that the landing gear doesn’t work. But besides engineer who work in the field of safety assessment, other observer will just guess just the landing gear fail. We never thought of what cause the landing gear fails. As per landing gear consists various components so the probability of failure also high. If small components for example spring fails, than the landing gear in order to overcome these all possible failure fault tree is constructed. Among of various symbols and representation, AND and OR gate plays vital role to make all possible decision for failure. Determination of minimal cut set for fault tree analysis Minimal cut set is define as a combination of primary events sufficient for the top event, on other words intersection of primary event. The main objective of representing a fault tree in terms of various Boolean equations is that these equations can then be used to determine the fault tree’s minimal cut sets and minimal path sets. While we obtain the minimal cut set, the quantification of the fault tree is more or less straightforward. For every fault tree will consists of finite number of minimal cut sets that are unique for that event. There are two kind of minimal cut sets which can occurs the top event to occur. One components minimal cut sets, if there are any, represent those single failures that will cause the top event to occur. Whereas two-components minimal cut sets represents the double failures that together will cause the top event to occur. Similarly for an n- components minimal cut set, all n components in the cut set must fail in order for the top event to occur. The calculation of minimal cut-sets The minimal cut sets expression for the top event can be written as in the general form T = M1 + M2 +†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦+Mk, Here the terms T is the top event and Mi are the minimal cut sets. Whereas for the each minimal cut sets for n-components minimal cut set can be represents as Mi = X1X2.,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Xn Here the X1 and X2 , etc represents the basic components failure in the fault tree analysis I represents my above failure events as ABC, T is top event caused by all lower level events. Here I want to mention the example of top event expression is T = A + B.C Here A, B and C are components failures. In this example [A] represents the one-components minimal cut set whereas [B.C] represents the tow-components minimal cut set. In order to determine the minimal cut sets of a fault tree, the tree should be translated first to its equivalent Boolean equations. Here I want to mention the example of calculation the minimal cut set to my fault tree The procedure to calculate the minimal cut sets of fault tree T = E1.E2 being AND gate E1 = A+ E3 being OR gate E3 = B+C being OR gate E2 = C+E4 being OR gate E4 = A.B being OR gate Substituting the top down first the expression of minimal cut can be expressed as below T = (A+E3) . (C+E4) = (A.C) + (E4.C) + (E4.A) + (E3.E4) Substituting for E3, T = (A.C) + (B+C).C + E4.A + (B+C). E4 = A.C + B+C + C.C + E4.A + E4.B + E4.C Here according to idempotent law, C.C = C, substituting this value to above equations T = A.C + B.C + C + E4.A + E4.B + E4.C. Again according to the law of absorption twice, A.C + B.C + C + E4.C = C Then the above results become, T = C + E4.A + E4.B Hence, substituting for E4, applying the law of absorption twice, T = C + (A.B).A + (A.B).B = C + A.B The minimal cut sets are thus C and A.B where, [C] is one- components and [A.B] is two-components minimal cut sets.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Basic Building Blocks Of Quantitative Research Psychology Essay

The Basic Building Blocks Of Quantitative Research Psychology Essay Qualitative Research Methodology is gaining wide spread acceptance among Researchers in Social Sciences Circle but finds less acceptance among Basic Scientists and Engineers who prefer to use Quantitative (Statistical) Methods of Research. Statistics can be defined as collecting, summarizing, and analyzing of data. Selection of a statistical analysis that is appropriate depends on whether the data for the variable under study are qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative data consists of numerical information and a methodology when applying statistical/mathematical tools for analysis of such type of data is known as Quantitative Research Methodology. In contrast, Qualitative data consists of non-numerical information (such as text, images, and sounds) and a methodology of analysis of such kind of data when not relying on statistical/ mathematical tools is known as Qualitative Research Methodology [1]. The main difference that describes whether qualitative research is superior or quantitative research is how they are able to contribute to bodies of knowledge. Qualitative research mainly focuses on the behaviors, cultures and defining characteristics of events, human nature, interactions and experience. Data is not trans formed to numerical data. Qualitative research methods emphasis on interpretation and by providing the analysts with complete views, environmental immersions and a depth of understanding of concepts. Qualitative methods of research provide a depth of understanding of issues/problems which is not possible through the use of quantitative methods (statistically-based investigations). The knowledge gained through qualitative research methods is more informative, richer and offers enhanced understandings in comparison to that obtained through quantitative research methods. Quantitative research is typically considered to be the more scientific approach that is concerned with number, or numerical descriptions of things and their relationships [2]. The basic building blocks of quantitative research are variables. Important types of variables used in quantitative research are: categorical variable, quantitative variable, dependent variable and independent variable. Three major types of quantitative research are: experimental, non-experimental research and survey. The purpose of experimental research is to study relationship of cause and effect. It is only type of research where active manipulation of an independent variable is present. Random assignment to create equivalent groups is used in the strongest experimental research designs [3]. Experimental research includes testing a hypothesis in a controlled environment while non-experimental research involves examining the already existing scenario in the world and trying to draw conclusions from the situation by using usually a cause-effect relationship. Social sciences, particularly history, archaeology, and political science, focus the non-experimental research methods. Owing to the complexity of the situation there is no way to form a meaningful experiment for the majority of these fields. Though psychology and anthropology are much more inclined to experimental research for determining patterns [4]. Testing of the hypothesis is done by either of the three tests: z-test, t-test and p-value test [5]. Quantitative analysis also includes descriptive and inferential statistics. Basic difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (or inductive statistics) is that descriptive statistics which aims to summarize a sample, rather than using the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent. They are not developed on the basis of probability theory [6]. Descriptive Statistics are the tabular, graphical, and numerical methods used to summarize data. Statistical inference is the process of using data obtained from the sample and to make estimates and test hypotheses about the characteristics of the populat ion [7]. Summarizing of quantitative data includes [8]: Frequency Distribution Relative Frequency and Percent Frequency Distributions Dot Plot Histogram Cumulative Distributions Numerical methods used to summarize the quantitative data are [9]: Mean Median Mode Variance Standard Deviation CAQDAS: Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) is the use of computer software for qualitative research. It helps in transcription analysis, coding and text interpretation, recursive abstraction, content analysis and discourse analysis etc. It is used in psychology, marketing research, ethnography, and other social sciences. A CAQDAS program should have: Content searching tools, Coding tools, Linking tools, Mapping or networking tools, Query tools, Writing and annotation tools. The advantages of using this software include: avoiding from manual and clerical tasks, time saving, managing huge amounts of qualitative data, increased flexibility, improved validity and auditability of qualitative research. Disadvantages include: increasingly deterministic and rigid processes, privileging of coding, and retrieval methods; reification of data, increased pressure on researchers to focus on volume and breadth rather than on depth and meaning, time and energy spent learning to use computer packages [10]. CAQDAS (Computer assisted qualitative data analysis software) is the good one technique in qualitative which helps us to find the true forecast and acceptable results in a specific topic [11]. A unique aspect of using CAQDAS vs. hand-coding/analysis is the ability of the program to create visual representations of data-charts, graphs, trees-that help in analysis and potentially can help readers to more deeply understand the interpretations [12]. CAQDAS potentially mak es qualitative inquiry more logical, transparent and trustworthy. CAQDAS such as NVivo can help in all the six steps of qualitative data analysis which are [13]: Choosing a topic literature review Development of theoretical and conceptual foundations and research questions Research design, Sample, context and negotiating access Data collection and preparation Data analysis and Discussion and final write-up All the CAQDAS packages provide these following features that make qualitative data analysis much easier: structure of work, closeness to data and interactivity, explore the data, code and retrieve functionality, project management and data organization, searching and interrogating the database, writing tools and standard selection of output reports [14]. Do I agree? I agree with the view that qualitative research methodology is gaining wide spread acceptance among researchers in social sciences circle but finds less acceptance among basic scientists and Engineers who prefer to use quantitative (statistical) methods of research. In my opinion neither school of research is superior. Both when carried out correctly provide good research results. The superiority of qualitative or quantitative research depends on the data under study and the fruitful additions to the knowledge made by either of the methods. The qualitative descriptive study is the method of choice when straight descriptions of phenomena are desired. Such study is especially useful for researchers wanting to know the who, what, and where of events [15]. Qualitative research covers a broad area of philosophical positions. Interest in qualitative re-search is increasing in health department [16]. The purpose of qualitative analysis is to achieve greater understanding and to attain a hig her level of conceptual or theoretical background than it can be achieved in any individual empirical study [17, 18]. Quantitative research is described by some as a quick fix, it involves very little or no contact with the field or people [19, 20]. Method which I will use: Being an engineer I shall use quantitative research method in my research project because it will be carried out in a controlled environment i.e. it will be experimental. Based upon the test results I will validate my hypothesis and further statistical analysis will be conducted. (Insha Allah) Refrences: [1] Haegeman, K., et al. (2013). Quantitative and qualitative approaches in Future-oriented Technology Analysis (FTA): From combination to integration? Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80(3): 386-397. [2] Richard Tewksbury (2009). Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods: Understanding Why Qualitative Methods are Superior for Criminology and Criminal Justice Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, Vol 1 (1). [3] McMillan, J. H., Schumacher, S. (2009). Research in education Pearson Education. [4] Neuman, W. L. (2005). Social research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches Allyn and Bacon. [5] [6] Berenson, M. L. (1998). Basic business statistics: Concepts and applications Prentice Hall PTR. [7] Bryman, A., Cramer, D. (2005). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS 12 and 13: A guide for social scientist. Routledge. [8] De Veaux, R. D., Velleman, P. F., Bock, D. E. (2009). Stats Pearson, Addison-Wesley. [9] Teddlie, C., Tashakkori, A. (2008). Foundations of mixed methods research: Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences. SAGE Publications, Incorporated. [10] Ann Lewins and Cristina Silver (2009). QUIC-Qualitative innovations in CAQDUS 6th edition [11] Rudolf. R. S, Eva. A. A (2012). Facilitating the interaction between theory and data in qualitative research using CAQDAS Sage Publications, 109-131 [12] Linnea L. Rademaker, Elizabeth J. Grace, and Stephen K. Curda (2012). Using Computer- assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) to Re-examine Traditionally Analyzed Data: Expanding our Understanding of the Data and of Ourselves as Scholars The Qualitative Report 2012 Volume 17, Article 43, 1-11 [13] Sinkovics, Rudolf R. and Eva A. Alfoldi (2012), Facilitating the interaction between theory and data in qualitative research using CAQDAS, in Qualitative organizational research: Core methods and current challenges, Gillian Symon and Catherine Cassell (Eds.). London: Sage Publications, 109-131. [14] Garcà ­aà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Horta, J. B., Guerraà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Ramos, M. T. (2009). The use of CAQDAS in educational research: some advantages, limitations and potential risks. International Journal of Research Method in Education, 32(2), 151-165. [15] Margarete Sandelowski (2000). Focus on Research Methods Whatever Happened to Qualitative Description? Research in Nursing Health, 2000, 23, 334-340 [16] Denis Walsh, Soo Downe (2005). Appraising the quality of qualitative research Midwifery (2006) 22, 108-119. [17] Rona Campbell, et al. (2003). Evaluating meta-ethnography: a synthesis of qualitative research on lay experiences of diabetes and diabetes care Social Science Medicine 56, 671-684. [18] Winter, G. (2000). A comparative discussion of the notion of validity in qualitative and quantitative research. The Qualitative Report 4(3): 4. [19] Williams, F., Monge, P. R. (2001). Reasoning with statistics: How to read quantitative research (pp. 127-141). London: Harcourt College Publishers. [20] Bryman, A. (2006). Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done? Qualitative research, 6(1), 97-113.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Call Of The Wild :: essays research papers

The Call of the Wild Affection- The Call of the Wild is a book that gets you emotionally involved by getting you attached to Jon’s dog and their connection. From the beginning you can tell that Buck (Jon’s dog) takes a liking to Jon. He started out as a mean spirited dog but softens when he gets to know Jon. If you like touching stories, this book is just that. Bandwagon- If â€Å"everyone† does something, then most people want to join in. That’s exactly what Jon did in this book. He heard about all of the people traveling north to the Klondike for gold and he wanted to do the same. Many people follow the â€Å"pack† and can relate to this story. Authority- If someone of power or authority does something, it is easier to follow, just like how the Mayor of the town Jon was from went to the Klondike. That helped Jon make his decision about going also. Value Judgment- Family values are important to a lot of people. Charlie, an Indian guide that Jon became friends with, had a family and left them to go with the others to the Klondike. He realized during the trip that he needed to go back to them because he was abandoning them. He left Jon and went back. He later returned with his family. That proves that he was a man that had good values and cared about his family. Acquisitive instinct- Most of the people that went to the Klondike went to find gold, because they wanted more than they already had. Lots of us do that same thing. We always seem to want more than we already have. So we can relate to the book in that way. Even if it is not right to always want more we can see where they are coming from. Plain Folks- When books are about average people, we usually like to read about that more because it seems like more of a real life situation. Jon’s family was average and he was a normal guy. He just wanted something new in his life so he went North, just like a lot of the other people. Neglected aspect- Most of the people that went North went for a selfish purpose.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dylan Marlais Thomas :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’ve had eighteen straight whiskies. I think that’s the record.†(Quoted by John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America). One of the most renowned authors of the twentieth century, Dylan Thomas is as well known for his philosophical poetry, critical writings, and essays. Often focusing on themes as birth, death, love, and religion, Thomas's works remain distinctly personal through a blend of rich language, detailed imagery, and psychological issues. Thomas is a poet known greatly for his indulgence in his love for poetry and literature. Parallel to this is the unique way Thomas was able to write his works about ideas and themes outside the environment he was contained to live within. His strict childhood and middle age life, which was largely filled with drinking, and wondering slums played some part in shaping his work, but can be overlooked if studied correctly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan Marlais Thomas was born on October 27, 1914, in the Welsh seaport of Swansea. Both his parents held respectable jobs and he lived under a middleclass household. His mother, in particular lead Dylan from an early age to be a serious reader and writer of poetry. Dylan’s interest in poetry and literature was sparked at an early age, and by high school Dylan was editing for his school newspaper. Aside from editing, Dylan also published his own works which frequently appeared in other publications.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It is particularly clear from his early poems, where Marc Alyn has observed, all of his originality is already on view, that he was occupied with introspections that lie outside of time and place, and that his style owes comparatively little to tradition and experience.†(Dylan Thomas) Unlike many writers, Dylan was able to explore with ideas that he frequently could not compare his own life with. Dylan’s early poetry was greatly influenced by his friend Daniel Jones. The two friends often wrote plays, and developed poems by drawing lines out of a hat and piecing them together. These were the beginnings of Dylan’s career as a writer and poet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before long he was reporting and writing feature articles for the paper and its weekly supplement, The Herald of Wales. Thomas began to spend much of his time exploring the streets, pubs, and alleys of the depression-ridden seaport town in which he lived. Even though, well off himself, Thomas found it much more interesting to study and write about these areas (The Life of Dylan Thomas, Constantine Fitzgibbion). Dylan Marlais Thomas :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’ve had eighteen straight whiskies. I think that’s the record.†(Quoted by John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America). One of the most renowned authors of the twentieth century, Dylan Thomas is as well known for his philosophical poetry, critical writings, and essays. Often focusing on themes as birth, death, love, and religion, Thomas's works remain distinctly personal through a blend of rich language, detailed imagery, and psychological issues. Thomas is a poet known greatly for his indulgence in his love for poetry and literature. Parallel to this is the unique way Thomas was able to write his works about ideas and themes outside the environment he was contained to live within. His strict childhood and middle age life, which was largely filled with drinking, and wondering slums played some part in shaping his work, but can be overlooked if studied correctly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan Marlais Thomas was born on October 27, 1914, in the Welsh seaport of Swansea. Both his parents held respectable jobs and he lived under a middleclass household. His mother, in particular lead Dylan from an early age to be a serious reader and writer of poetry. Dylan’s interest in poetry and literature was sparked at an early age, and by high school Dylan was editing for his school newspaper. Aside from editing, Dylan also published his own works which frequently appeared in other publications.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It is particularly clear from his early poems, where Marc Alyn has observed, all of his originality is already on view, that he was occupied with introspections that lie outside of time and place, and that his style owes comparatively little to tradition and experience.†(Dylan Thomas) Unlike many writers, Dylan was able to explore with ideas that he frequently could not compare his own life with. Dylan’s early poetry was greatly influenced by his friend Daniel Jones. The two friends often wrote plays, and developed poems by drawing lines out of a hat and piecing them together. These were the beginnings of Dylan’s career as a writer and poet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before long he was reporting and writing feature articles for the paper and its weekly supplement, The Herald of Wales. Thomas began to spend much of his time exploring the streets, pubs, and alleys of the depression-ridden seaport town in which he lived. Even though, well off himself, Thomas found it much more interesting to study and write about these areas (The Life of Dylan Thomas, Constantine Fitzgibbion).

Suburbanization Essay -- Community Development, Urbanism

The topic of suburbanization is a reality in today's world. Over the years, a number of factors emerge to allow the unstoppable development of a community from a small classic city to a sprawl. Technological advances, immigration, transportation, and communication are some of the changing factors that manipulate our lifestyle and shape the way we live, based on our time, needs, and available resources as a society. You think of how we got where we are today as a society, we came from using trains and carriages to airplanes and automobiles. We came from planting our own food to obtaining it from supermarkets, where we can find any type of food from anywhere around the world. The important of individualism is another factor that plays another important role in society, and it brings unlimited freedom as a consequence. Freedom for people to mobilize, buy, sell, and communicate with other people from all around the world. This same evolution of chaos allows the creation of new ideas amon g the city’s population, new ways of doing things, inventions, production techniques, and transportation. At the same time, many different cultures and classes of immigration contribute to the increase of a diverse economy, creating new ways of doing things while the old ways of living are evaporated and destroyed. In this case we analyze New Haven, a city that in earlier times emerged from an economic development based on the primitive use of water as a source of production, to the use of steam-driven machinery. In a blink of an eye, the city went from urbanism to suburbanization. Anyone would say the expansion of a city could bring only prosperity without taking into consideration that same developments factors could badly turn against it, and cont... ..., such as the television had the power to influence the past, present, and future of American cities. They contributed to technological advancements in the cities but at the same time to the destruction of urbanism. Urbanism and suburbanization clearly demonstrates the changing forces that impact society. New Haven was a perfect example that clearly describes how urbanism met its end. The way we employ technology, communication, electricity, water and other resources shape the way we live today and how we will live in future years. For many, the search for new discoveries creates excitement, and it could even trick us to believe cities are growing in the right direction, such as New Haven once believed. Today, we can appreciate how individualism has grown by the way cities are now organized. As a society, we now wish for open, peaceful, lonely spaces to live.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Mensa Strategy Essay

A five-year strategic plan Mensa has been engaged with the various businesses, which include; packaging, forest products, energy and financial services businesses. There is a lot of change on multiple levels of the company which is necessary for Mensa to achieve profitability. This strategic plan will provide the correct direction to the business to achieve this goal. Mensa will need to implement a variety of different techniques in order to become a successful growing business. Without the changes outlined in this strategic plan, the company faces significant financial distress. Mensa’s Financial Services Business This business provides insurance, mortgage loan, real state financial services and consultancy services to its customers. It was not a huge business but the management had done a good job with cash flow and profitability for the size of the business. They had proven their know how by selecting target markets and avoiding any serious head-to-head competition with competitors, this helped in creating a bright outlook for this section of Mensa’s business. Therefore, it will be better for the firm to expand this business. I recommend increasing the size of the operation. In order to be able to increase the sales and returns within this sector, there needs to be capital investment. I agree with the outlook, the firm should invest $250,000,000 initially and could increase it to $300,000,000 in the following 5-7 years, with a decrease to $100,000,000 a year at that time. This will generate $200 million to $300 million for the business, at the end of the investment period. Although this will be a lot of upfront investment, the huge increase in profitability will be worth the money spent. Increasing the size of this sector of the business is a good move for the company, which will provide them with a significant amount of returns. Mensa’s Energy Business Mensa energy division deals with the exploration, development and production of the oil and gas. Acquisition of EasyGas Energy was beneficial to the firm, as it was the sole supplier of natural gas to Florida. This business has strong position in some segments; the demand for oil and gas would be increased by next years, annual prices for oil and gas will also increase.  The consultant felt that demand and supply picture is increasing and would be favorable for those firms that had developed the business earlier. However, according to the consultant, it would not be favorable to invest more in exploration and production, so Mensa should expand this business through intensification strategy. As the production would peak from 2002 to 2010, they advised that their existing reserves and the land they own would only increase in value over time, even though Mensa could never grow to be competitive within this industry due to the size of their existing competitors. The Florida pipeline in this sector is a significant tool for improvement in profits, as the cash flow for this business was estimated to increase $100million to $300million in year 5. For exploration and production division, if divestment strategy is followed then the division could be sold for $1,560,000,000 at present and it will be increased up to $2,000,000,000 within 5 to 6 years. The profits would be increased by 8-10%, with a focus on building supplies of both oil and gas. Mensa’s packaging business Mensa’s packaging business had three major markets; Food and Beverage, Specialty Packaging, and International. This sector was economically sensitive, as it was difficult to build any competitive advantage. This packaging business would be very expensive as customers’ required new technologies that led to higher charges while customers create serious pressure to reduce prices, and Mensa’s technology was already outdated. The consultant also felt that profitability would decline over the next several years in the packaging division, and would be negative $100,000,000 in year 6 and declining by 20% each year thereafter. With this being said, it is better to shut down this business. It would bring about $1,200,000,000 which is approximately 70% of book value. In this business, the potential for improvement was very low, due to the high customer demands and the fact that there wasn’t much the Mensa could do to gain a competitive advantage. Given that this is t he case, it is in Mensa’s best interest to sell off the packaging portion of its company to save itself from future negative cash flows. Mensa’s forest product division The forest product division of the Mensa has suffered poor preventive  maintenance practices and inadequate training of the employees; this had a negative impact on production. The forest production division contains two plants, the paperboard and the timber plant. In the paperboard division, Mensa’s competitors were building new plants that would produce higher quality products at a lower cost. This caused to decline in profitability and along with return on investment. The cash flows for this sector would go negative for next six years. Consultants felt that the range for negative cash flows would be $100,000,000 to $125,000,000. They also valued the company at $600,000,000 if it were to be sold today. In the timber plant, there was low level of price fluctuations due to the nine holdings which Mensa owned. This is a valuable asset for them. Although the business had competitors in a large number and faced tough competition, there were chances to increase profits. The value of assets would increase by 20% over the next six years and then by 60% in the following ten years. As the firm has a good amount of holdings within this sector, which helps them resist large fluctuations in costs, it would be a good business move for them to remain within this sector at least as a timber holder. In order to continue to be successful at either plant, Mensa would need to increase employee training and maintenance standards, to reduce the negative impact on production. Recommendations I recommend that Mensa utilizes a variety of strategies to help increase profitability. First of all, they need to expand their financial services division as this will generate large amounts of profits. This profitability created, will be used to invest in other divisions within Mensa. The energy sector of the company, will expand the Florida pipeline as this is a low investment dollar figure for the company, and has huge returns that will continue to increase over time as gas prices increase. This sector should also stop investment in exploration and production as it will create large negative cash flows for approximately the first nine years. The packaging business is possibly the most detrimental division at Mensa. It has faced multiple problems and has negative cash flows, with this being said it is in Mensa’s best interest to dissolve this portion of the company. Forest product business includes different products and there is a need to apply stability strategy so to improve functional performance. There is a lot of  training that needs to be conducted within this sector to increase production and therefore profitability.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Implement and monitor WHS policies Essay

1. Why is it important to provide information to work teams on the relevant health and safety legislation, the organisation’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs, and any identified hazards and their control? It is important to provide information to work teams on the relevant health and safety legislation, the organization’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs, and any identified hazards and their control, because as any other part of a business health and safety matters affect production, the quality of products/services and of course financial results. According to this, health and safety should be managed in the same way and with the same importance grade as any other aspect inside a company. Information must also be provided to all workers because it is everybody ´s responsibility to have a health and safety place in which everyone will be beneficiated, the employee and the employer. 2. Explain the importance of effective consultative mechanisms in managing health and safety risks and describe what they entail. It is important to have an effective consultative mechanism in managing health and safety risks because consultation can offer a lot of benefits such as greater awareness, commitment, positive working relationships etc. A safe work place will be easier to achieve if everyone is involved and communicate with each other, if every worker help to identify hazards, if there are talks about health and safety concerns and of course if all of them work together to find a solution. Once all the workers are aware of the impact that health and safety procedures have, they will work all together to make their work place as safe as possible. 3. What factors need to be considered when using training to implement an organisation’s health and safety policy and ensure a safe workplace? When using training to implement an organization’s health and safety policy and  ensure a safe workplace, it is important to consider all the incidents or accidents that are likely to happen in every specific work, that way hazards and risks can be prevented and avoided. 4. What are hazard reports and why are they important? Hazard report is a report made to have a record of the incidents and accidents that have happened in a company to stop them to occur again in the future. Hazard reports are important because through them, possibilities of injuries can be eliminated as the hazards have been identified with the reports. 5. Risk management is a critical part of a proactive organisation’s strategy to provide a safe workplace. What does risk management entail? Risk management is a legal requirement for all business in which a process of 4 steps has to be followed: Identify hazards, assess risks, control risks and review. Risk management is designed to prevent loss by preventing harm to people as well as give opportunities the business to grow, increasing productivity and improving services. 6. How can incident records be used to identify potential future hazards and monitor risk control procedures? Incident records allow the identification of trends and types of incidents occurring or recurring in the work place. In this matter, if incidents are being reordered every time they occur, it will be easier to predict or prevent future incidents and accidents as well as monitor what it is being done in order to prevent near misses. 7. What do you think are the key aspects of health and safety legislation? The key aspects of health and safety legislation are that all workers are protected, there is a duty of care that help each worker not to endanger the health and safety of self or other colleagues and consultation with workers to discuss penalties for breaches of the legislation.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Decision to drop atomic bomb Essay

The decision was made from the president that they were going to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 6, 1945. They chose to drop the bomb because if they didn’t there would have been more casualties than necessary in the continued fighting in the Asian theater of the war . Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, the president at that time, Harry S. Truman, made the right choice. The atomic bomb was definitely a political conflict for the United States and Japan. The event which initiated the ultimate bombing began with Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, according to When the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, instantly â€Å"Little boy† destroyed 90% of the city, even though it exploded at an altitude of 580 meters. Since the city of Hiroshima only had 298 doctors and 270 of them died, this was rough for the citizens in Hiroshima since the people had no medical help. When they were looking for food and clothes and such it was very rare for them to find the materials they need. However in Nagasaki it was easy to get meds from the naval hospitals out there. Well in September in Hiroshima it was very hard for the people to heal faster because it was so cold and rainy outside for them to fully recover. According to Cacpeaceday. Before dropping the bombs, Japan was refusing to surrender, their emperor insisted on fighting on. Everyone thought that japan had lost but they didn’t know that they refused to surrender and kept fighting. So more and more American’s were dying. The US felt like if they don’t defeat japan soon that they will gain more advantage over Asia or even in japan. Japan ended up shortly surrendering after US dropped two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan was occupied by allied powers under the American general, MacArthur. Reference According to pg. 24. U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey: The Effects of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki June 1946

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ho Chi Minh City Essay

Trung nguyen is the most famous coffee brand in Vietnam. It was created in 1996 by Mr. D? ng Le Nguyen Vu. During student life in medical school of Tay Nguyen, Mr. D? ng had a question about coffee farmers’ life. Although the price of a cup of coffee wasn’t cheap, but why, farmers were still poor. This question encouraged him to find the answers. He and his company suffered from many accidents, but they kept on trying. Those experiences brought them a good background for opening more shops and expanding their business widely. And in early 2004, they introduced G7 to the customers. This step turned Trung Nguyen history to the new page, they became the biggest and the most famous firm selling high-quality coffee powder. II. Strategy Trung Nguyen first opened their first coffee shop in Ho Chi Minh City in 1998 and received some positive feedbacks. In 2001 they had built over thousands coffee shops all over Vietnam and became top-rated brand in Vietnamese coffee industry. They did Franchising, the step which was different from all other Vietnamese firm, they were the first. After 5 years, Trung Nguyen not only could gain the trust, the belief of Vietnamese customers but also customers in other countries like Singapore, Japan, Cambodia, etc. In 2006, Trung Nguyen invested and built the biggest high-quality G7mart system of stores for selling products. In June 2012, Trung Nguyen created the new strategy. That was creating the string of quick shops, which allows customers to choose some various kinds of coffee beans and the owner of the shop will mix them together for making the customers’ own styles. The evidence for the development of this strategy is the profit which grows 15% per week Trung Nguyen’s customers are not only the elder, the people who understand clearly about coffee but also, they have products for the young, who begin drinking coffee like student, teenager, etc. III. Revenue-Potential Growth. Although the economics go down, Trung Nguyen still makes profit, and improves themselve powerfully. In 2011, their revenue and production improve up to 151%, and the first six months in 2012, they gain up to 178% compared with the same time in 2011. The biggest evolution of Trung Nguyen is their G7 powder became the leader of coffee powder in Vietnam at the rate 37. 8% In the near future, Mr. D? ng plans to join the world stock market and in the next 10 years, he tries to invest more than 800 million USD to build new factories and some additional options.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Norman Finkelstien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Norman Finkelstien - Essay Example It was not simply writing on the Holocaust that Finkelstein saw to be fraudulent, but an entire â€Å"Holocaust industry† pushing this particular past on the present for both ideological and financial gain. Finkelstein's criticisms of what were perceived to be misuses of the Holocaust were neither the first word nor the last on this subject. As the accusations leveled at Leai suggest, right from the outset, questions were raised about the mixed motives behind representing this particular past. With the increasing prominence of the Holocaust in popular discourse since the 1960s, those dissenting voices have gotten louder, reaching a deafening crescendo in Finkelstein's damning critique of the Holocaust industry. But Finkelstein's claims of the existence of a Holocaust industry drew on a much longer tradition of critical reflection on the popularization of the Holocaust. Much longer history of the criticism of Holocaust representation can be seen developing alongside the history of that representation. There are two broad strands in this disparate literature. One strand has questioned what has been seen as an overemphasis on the Holocaust in general, and by Jews in particular. Another strand has not questioned all contemporary concerns with the Holocaust per se, but has critiqued specific representations of the Holocaust—movies, museum exhibits, and books—in large part on the grounds of inauthenticity. What unifies these two broad strands—and such diverse writers as Norman Finkelstein and Elie Wiesel—is a refusal to accept any cultural product that draws on the history of the Holocaust as by definition a good thing, simply because it makes this past known. Within the more restricted criticism of someone like Wiesel, there can be, and have been, inappropriate Holocaust representations. From the more radical perspective of Finkelstein, all the products of the Holocaust industry are rejected as little more than attempts at â€Å"J ewish aggrandizement.† 4 While these two critical strands differ quite markedly, beneath both lies the deeper question of whether all the more recent talk about the Holocaust is a good thing in general, and whether it is a good thing for Jews and non-Jews in particular. However, such criticisms have recently been themselves subject to criticism. In the aftermath of the publication of Finkelstein's book in particular, voices were raised against the questioning of both specific Holocaust representations, and the perceived centrality of the Holocaust. The attack on the Holocaust industry by Finkelstein and others has been challenged and critiqued, perhaps most importantly, in an essay written by Alvin Rosenfeld in the American Jewish Year Book for 2001. There, Rosenfeld argued that the criticism of what was perceived to be a contemporary overemphasis on the Holocaust amounted, explicitly or implicitly, to calls for forgetting. If the Holocaust was to be increasingly forgotten, as critics of the Holocaust industry advocated, the result would be, Rosenfeld suggested, that Jews would â€Å"return to the kind of vulnerability that preceded Auschwitz and helped bring it about.† 27 However, before reflecting on the recent debate over the broader critique of the Holocaust industry, there are narrower criticisms of the specific products of the H

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Criminal Law - Essay Example rtunity for the federal government to pursue and pressure criminals and terrorists this is one of the effective ways of ejecting criminals including drug dealers and terrorists among others out of their cocoons. Because the Patriot Act is not just confined to the pursuit of terrorists, its focus on other areas of crime makes it an effective tool in dealing with crime in general. The government needs no court approval in order to summon a suspected computer or internet criminal. In the age of technology, with no effective anti-crime legislation such as the Patriot Act, a society is bound to crumble as criminals take control. Because the Patriot Act overrides the civil rights of individuals, the government is at liberty to obtain information about suspected individuals thus it is in a position to uncover and apprehend risky individuals. The act creates the possibility of aborting terrorists’ plans before they are actually executed, thus making it an effective tool for fighting terrorism. Though the Act is effective, the government should come up with an initiative in which every individual is expected to know at least ten neighbors and report any strange behavior of their neighbors as soon as they

Monday, August 12, 2019

Over exceeding nutrients Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Over exceeding nutrients - Research Paper Example Moreover, high-saturated fat content have some side effects on the heart. Hunter avers that taking a balanced diet while being pregnant is important, but over exceeding or lack of nutrients causes severe damage and complications. Underweight or obese expectant women experience numerous difficulties while conceiving. Some of the nutrients that should be included in the diet in sustainable amounts include energy, protein, fibre, Folic acid, iron, vitamin A, C, D and calcium. Iannotti, Lora, Kenda Cunningham, and Marie Ruel. Improving Diet Quality and Micronutrient Nutrition: Homestead Food Production in Bangladesh. Washington, D.C: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2009. A home gardening program, Homestead Food Production (HFP), is described by the authors. The article indicates that the program has lead to an increase in the production of the macronutrient food and reduces the rate of nutritional diseases. According to Kohler, heat does not reduce the rate of nutrition unless it exceeds the optimum levels. Additionally, oxidation makes nutrition a bit less. For example: an apple that was cut in half and oxidized for an hour is different than if it was cut for about 2 hours. Martinez asserts that most people are oblivious about lack of enough nutrients in the body while ignoring the fact that excess of the nutrients in the body has profound detrimental impact on the health of the body. Consumption of excess calories leads to the accumulation of high amounts of fats leading to disorders such as heart disease, depression, cancer, sleep apnea, type 2 Diabetes and stroke. Excess proteins increase the risk of osteoporosis. Excess vitamins can lead to various defects such as birth defects in the unborn babies in the case of excess vitamin while excess vitamin B-6 can cause excess nerve damage. Some of the disorders

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Texts 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Texts 2 - Essay Example The model somehow mixes the inner and outer sings as well as many disciplines which can be seen by explaining that sociology, psychology and economics are major disciplines whereas parks and recreation, agriculture and transport are not the fields of study but are included as major disciplines in the model. The model actually is a puzzle between major and minor disciplines (Tribe, 1999) Also, we can say that marketing and business represent themselves as a problem. Marketing in general is considered a business function, it uses principles and guidelines from sociology and psychology as well as uses some of the business principles. Marketing is studied as a sub major in business and also, law is included in the business studies. So we can include these two as sub majors in the major discipline of business. "techniques required in business studies are derivative partly from the disciplines that contribute to them and partly from the world of business practice." Henkel’s analysis clearly explains aforementioned theories and states that in an alternate form that the validation of a part of its knowledge is outside of its academy (tribe, 1999). Tourism and business studies are the two emerging fields of studies and both of these fields collide or cooperate with each other in one way or the other. Hence, Tribe forces on the fact that there needs to be a new formulation of re interpretation of the model presented by Ritchie and Jafari since we need to incorporate business and marketing in the their model.Accommodating all the disciplines and departments under one heading of tourism studies is rather confusing and very difficult. We can say that we now need to divide the field of tourism studies into multiple fields, at least two and one of these two fields can be called tourism business studies whereas rest are still to be identified or incorporated into other fields of tourism studies. A tourism business study is a field of study mainly inspired from business